Last night's running of the Memphis Downs was a fantastic success. Joel Glasgow and Susan Williams proved themselves to be masters of the Memphis Mountains and Jon Driscol won the points-race by 1/100 of a point (seriously folks, it was that close). Not one person was injured and only a few riders were threatened with arrest - all-in-all, a successful night out. Well, on to the results.
Isaiah and Roger were the first riders to arrive at the after-party, but because they heeded the warnings of the Peabody Place security guards, they were unable to climb all ten garages. They were followed by a small pack of riders (who, despite not racing, still managed to climb several garages like champs) and , finally, the first riders to complete the whole course. Joel, took first place, overall, for the men and Susan, for the women. I only, this afternoon, tallied the points, and found a couple of surprises (points from all of the garages were added up and divide by the number of garages which is represented in parenthases.)
Jon Driscol 4.1 (10)
Brad 4.111 (9)
Jackson 4.8 (9)
Ryan 5.16 (6)
Joel 5.375 (8)
Isaiah 5.5 (8)
Daniel 5.5 (6)
Denis 5.7 (10)
Susan 6.6 (10)
Roger 6.714 (7)
Rachel 9.3 (3)
With 14 riders and supporters we managed to raise $100 for the Revolutions Community Bike Shop and to nearly drink all of the beer (I'll be bringing the left-overs next thursday). I want to take another opportunity to thank Denis for volunteering gift-certificates to Midtown Bikes as prizes and to everyone who came out to ride.
I have pictures up at flickr and Hopefully I'll be able to get some of the pictures Anna Beth took as well.
Oh, and someone left their blue acrylic pimp-cup here. I'm assuming it was Jackson's roomate, but only because his semi-askew hat indicated his underlying pimpness.